What does "electability" mean for the 2020 candidates?

Democrats in Trump districts back impeachment despite so-called risks. And not at the last minute either. Here's your clue, primary contenders.

Posted by LM on December 17, 2019

According to Politico, 15 Democrats from Trump districts have already backed impeachment. They're doing it because, as they've said consistently and uniformly, it's the right thing to do regardless of political costs. Granted there are still 16 such Dems yet to declare, but I think we can expect most if not all to get on board. November 2020 be damned!

And why not? It's the nature of today's politics to reward specificity. The Tea Party was specific and Obama-era Dems weren't; Republicans won elections. Here the president did something impeachable = you impeach. Simple. But on the Democratic primary side we're still hearing concerns about "electability" and who among the candidates can defeat Trump on the off chance (slim I know) he's acquitted in the Senate.

First of all, what does "electability" even mean nowadays? Yes, Elizabeth Warren's support for Medicare for All dampened her enthusiasm just as she was taking over the party lead, but bringing up electability suggests the establishment still wants to play safe in the middle to appeal to the most voters. That's sooo... 2008. In case you didn't know, Trump plays to his base. He did in 2016 and he does today at his rallies. He talks specifically (which rewards) and he talks values (as did the House Dems in his districts).

Would you like a definition of electability for 2020, Mr. or Ms. Candidate? Ok, here's a definition of electability for 2020. Be the opposite of Trump. Make this election a choice between four more years of him, or four years of the opposite of him. And the opposite of him? It's not centrism.

Impeachment support in December 2019 Credit: CBS/Face the Nation

Second of all, we've already got proof voters are ready for this approach. The CBS News poll above shows nearly 90% of those who voted for a Democrat last year support impeachment. That's all districts. For Trump-district Dems this no doubt factors into their confidence. On top of that, just last month Democrats took back the governorship in Kentucky and completed Virginia's transition to a blue state with total control of their state government.

Conventional thinking in the primaries is that you need someone "electable." What you actually need is someone with specific values who can use them to be the opposite of Trump. You're not going to share the stage with him and go deep into a debate on healthcare. But you can compete with him by talking plainly, yet specifically, about your opposing values. If they're truly opposing, they won't be found at the political center.

2020 election
2020 primaries